Monday, February 21, 2011


Alice in Wonderland has always been one of my favorite stories, I found it extremely fascinating. The Book is full of very artistic typography that makes the reader feel part of the story. The way “The adventures of Alice in Wonderland” was written could be and should be consider art as well. So much imagination put into words that make your mind wonder and picture Alice’s adventures.

More than just knots! The talking Knots of the Incas.

Quipus were more than an ancient numerical system. There are researchers that believe that quipus were also use as a writing system by the Incas. Quipus recorded numerical data, they consisted of a horizontal rope, which hung several thin braided ropes. These were of different sizes and had different knots located at different intervals. Each vertical line was divided into zones and according to the string height and the area represented ones, tens, hundreds, etc.

There are several hypotheses that the Quipus system was equivalent to writing. It is possible to achieve more than 8 million combinations thanks to the diverse colors of cords, ropes distance, position and type of knots possible.

Chasquis were greatly trained runners that delivered messages with the help of the quipus all across the Inca Empire.